Before you click play:  The DRE works like this: Spacebar starts/pauses the game. The player will see five cards along the top, with two "clues" shown underneath. The player's job is to eliminate all cards that share one feature with the clues, either by color (red, yellow, blue, purple, orange) or by suit (heart, club, spade, diamond, joker).

In the context of a studio, the player on-deck will call out the label to card they wanna pick. Since we're not in a studio, use keys 1-5 to make your pick. The round is played individually as a score attack for two minutes, with 5 points awarded for each successful pick. When time is up, use 'Q' to reset the clock and the score.

Just what is this, anyway?  I am making a looking-for-work portfolio to hand out with my resume because just about all of my work history has been blue-collar stuff and not anywhere close to the field I'd like to work in. I figure nobody near where I am living is looking to make game shows specifically, but somebody might need the skills that would go into making 'em: project management, coding, database management, systems planning, graphic design, video editing, marketing, stagecraft, light electrical, --the kinda nonsense that if it was attached to anybody more competent people would call 'real polymath behavior.'  

To that end, you are looking at a proof-of-concept for one of the entries in my portfolio: welcome to the "deductive reasoning event" for a show titled NerdSport. This particular page of my portfolio puts a lot of talk about "modern mental pentathlons" and allusions to the old G.E. College Bowl's tagline about being "the varsity sport of the mind." The overall gist of the show is Brain Age/Big Brain Academy-type of hi jinks but in a tv studio. Four contestant play across five rounds of a season-long tournament. I list this as 'still in development' because I only have three rounds I for certain want to include in this, this being one of them.

Improvements and updates as I get a chance to make them -- the plan will be to add SFX and some other stuff, probably when I get the other two events hammered out. Thanks for checking this out, feedback encouraged and appreciated. 


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